At Forebel, we believe in the power of collaboration at all levels. We partner with NGOs, charities, retailers, and fashion brands. As long as they sincerely believe that things can and must be different, we work together for a better future. Every purchase of our socks contributes to a better world, as we donate a portion of the proceeds to affiliated charities such as The Healthy Seas Foundation, the World Wildlife Fund, North Sea Farmers and Sock by Sock.


The Healthy Seas Foundation is an international non-profit organization established in 2013. The organization is dedicated to cleaning up marine debris, particularly ghost nets, and protecting marine life.

Healthy Seas operates through a twofold approach: retrieving ghost fishing nets from the seas and preventing discarded fishing nets from entering the marine ecosystem. This prevention is achieved through collaborations with fishing communities and fish farms, as well as educational programs aimed at raising awareness about marine pollution.

Thanks to your support, we have been able to donate over €1,500,000 to the Healthy Seas Foundation.


Healthy Seas socks by ForebelHealthy Seas socks by Forebel
Het healthy seas initiatief duikt verloren visnetten op van de zeebodemHet healthy seas initiatief duikt verloren visnetten op van de zeebodem


The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is the world's largest conservation organization, founded in 1961. WWF operates in nearly 100 countries and focuses on three global initiatives: protecting endangered habitats, saving threatened species, and addressing global environmental threats such as climate change. WWF has supported more than 10,000 projects in 157 countries. By collaborating with local communities, businesses, and governments, WWF strives for a world where humans and nature live in harmony.

Thanks to your support, we have been able to donate over €10,000 to WWF.



Sock by Sock is an NGO deeply committed to promoting a circular economy and addressing overproduction in the fashion industry. Sock by Sock believes it's time for a drastic change in how we perceive socks and clothing. Mix and match your socks as you like. Get more out of each sock by not wearing them in pairs. Walk the streets with a sustainable fashion statement and join the revolution. After all, who ever said socks have to be identical?

Sock by Sock purchases discarded socks that would otherwise end up in landfills and donates these rescued socks to various charities and shelters, ensuring they reach those who need them most.

Thanks to your support, we have been able to donate over €15,000 to Sock by Sock.


Healthy Seas socks by ForebelHealthy Seas socks by Forebel
Het healthy seas initiatief duikt verloren visnetten op van de zeebodemHet healthy seas initiatief duikt verloren visnetten op van de zeebodem


North Sea Farmers (NSF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting success in the European seaweed industry. Their mission is to strengthen and accelerate the impact-driven seaweed sector, aiming to contribute to a robust and healthy European blue economy and offer solutions for climate change.

North Sea Farmers collaborates with over 100 partners, ranging from universities and research institutions to start-ups and multinationals. These collaborations drive the development of innovative products such as seaweed-based biostimulants, animal feed, and sustainable packaging materials.

Thanks to your support, we have been able to donate over €10,000 to North Sea Farmers.